Four minutes that will do your heart good!

Here’s what said about this short piece of street theatre:  “It managed to punch right through my cynicism and show me that good things are still out there, and there are good people in the world.  In a small way, I have a deeper understanding of what it is to be human because of the actions of 200 fellow humans in a train station in Belgium.”

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4 thoughts on “Four minutes that will do your heart good!

  1. Absolutely fabulous and compelling to watch! Thanks so much for sharing it here – I’ve forwarded this on to all my friends and family.


  2. This video was really nice to watch. It proves that music really is the international language. Everyone who joined in obviously had a great time!


    1. Hi Donna,
      Yes, it must have been great fun for those 200+ participants! Don’t you just love how they all dissolve back into “normal” life in the train station the minute the song ends? 🙂


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