Where do those post-stent bruises come from?

by Carolyn Thomas  ♥  @HeartSisters

After being discharged home from the hospital following my heart attack, I didn’t know that one of the new heart drugs I was now taking had dramatic side effects:   technicolour bruising. All over!   One day in the shower, for example, I noticed two perfectly round small bruises on my lower abdomen, side by side, exactly the same size. Where on earth had those two distinct bruises come from? It was only much later I figured it out.  Lilly, my fluffy calico cat, would regularly “make biscuits”  before settling down for a lap nap by kneading her little paws into my lower abdomen.  Even a petite 8-pound creature could cause deep purple and blueish bruises!

Here’s why bruising like this is so commonly seen in  heart patients – even those without cats!       .      . Continue reading “Where do those post-stent bruises come from?”