Chronic complaining: don’t be such a “Greiner Zanner”

by Carolyn Thomas   ♥  @HeartSisters

I called my favorite flower shop last week to complain.  Earlier that morning, I had picked up a bouquet of mini-gerbera flowers for our condo lobby, as I like to do each week.  The gerberas (pictured above) were advertised as seven stems for $5.99. But when I got home and unwrapped the bouquet, I counted only five. My first thought: (a) maybe miscounted by a busy florist?  My second thought: (b) maybe ALL of the displayed bouquets had only five stems, too – despite the “seven stems” advertised in this week’s flyer?  The nice lady on the phone offered me two free gerbera stems if I wanted to come back to the shop to pick them up.

“These aren’t ‘FREE’ “,  I snapped at her. “I’ve already paid you for SEVEN!”  And I did not go back.  Instead, I stewed over that interaction.     .     Continue reading “Chronic complaining: don’t be such a “Greiner Zanner””