Erin Gilmer: “Us” vs “them”: the under-served patient speaks up

by Carolyn Thomas  ♥  @HeartSisters

 I’m very sad to report that Erin Gilmer died on July 8, 2021. Rest in peace, Erin.


I asked permission to republish this letter written by patient advocate and health policy attorney Erin Gilmer, who has lived in poverty brought about by debilitating chronic illnesses.

Erin offers a unique patient perspective in this letter to the organizers of the annual Medicine X conference at Stanford University.  After writing her letter, she was subsequently invited to speak at Medicine X 2014.  Although not well enough to travel to California in person after recovering from spinal surgery, she was thrilled when Medicine X organizers offered to put together an edited recording of her presentation to be shown to both live and online audiences on September 5th, 2014.  (Sadly, her video presentation is no longer available on the Stanford site, but this is a copy she sent me of the  letter to Medicine X organizers):

“Dear Medicine X Conference organizers,

“Your upcoming healthcare conference forum on under-served populations brings up a concern for me that I hope you will consider in the next few months.  The best way I can explain my concern is through this example:   Continue reading “Erin Gilmer: “Us” vs “them”: the under-served patient speaks up”