Wanted: volunteers to eat chocolate every day for U.K. study

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Now here’s my kind of research study:  a U.K. university is looking for 40 women to find out if eating Belgian chocolate every day might help diabetics ward off heart disease.

The University of East Anglia, in its first round of this project, studied 150 women to assess the potential health benefits of eating dark chocolate.

Dr. Peter Curtis, of the UEA’s School of Medicine, says: “Our first volunteers are about to return for their final visit to see if the markers of heart health, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, have changed. A successful outcome could be the first step in developing new ways to improve the lives of people at increased risk of heart disease.”

Researchers believe that dark chocolate rich in flavonoid plant compounds found in cocoa could help post-menopausal women with Type 2 diabetes ward off heart disease.

Chocolate-loving volunteers must be under the age of 76, post-menopausal for at least one year, and non-smokers.

But don’t hurry to sign up.  The Telegraph newspaper ran a story on this study two days ago. My bet is that they’ve already found 40 British women who are willing to eat chocolate every day for the good of science.

Also see  Is chocolate good for women’s heart health?

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