“It’s a girl!!”

Welcome to the world, my darling little grandbaby!  Everly Rose, born at 7:07 p.m. on May 7th, 2015 (which would have been my own mother’s birthday!)  Proud parents are Larissa and Randy – Mum and babe doing “FANTASTIC!”, says the new Daddy. 

Let the spoiling begin!

Everly Rose
Everly Rose napping with her Mum

♥  ♥  ♥  ♥  ♥ 

Q: Any words of grandmotherly advice for me?

UPDATE: Everly Rose makes her television debut at age 4 weeks (starting about 1:10)

And a few more photo updates as our girl grows . . .

We decorated Larissa and Randy’s house to help spread the news!


Tiny little feet . . .


So alert . . .


On my two-month birthday (notice the “Happy Birthday Peanut” cake)


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I love my Baba (grandmother!)


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Such a happy little girl!



Having a little chat with my Baba . .  .


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First Christmas!


Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 6.33.59 AMJust lyin’ around on the living room floor . . . 


Rosie Munchkin 1 yr birthday pink dressOne year old already!


Screen Shot 2016-07-15 at 6.36.40 PM“I have six teeth now!” ~ on the beach at Black Creek with Mummy



Playing with my onion. . .


        Trying on Baba’s scarf


Feeding the ducks…


I love it when Daddy throws me high up in the sky at the annual Oak Bay Tea Party (age 2!)

Out for a walk in the Village



Baba getting me ready to go to daycare!


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Riding the carousel at the mall


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I’m four years old today! (with my Mummy’s homemade Pinata Cake!)


64 thoughts on ““It’s a girl!!”

  1. Congratulations to all and how special to have a granddaughter born on the same day date as your Mom! Being a Nana is the best. The BEST heart medicine. 😊 I’m off to the mainland to celebrate my grandson’s first birthday today! Boy! That was a fast year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Janet – the days go by so fast with little ones! I remember telling my own preschoolers that I was going to put bricks on their heads to keep them from growing up too fast… 😉 Enjoy your 1st birthday celebrations!


  2. Congratulations Carolyn on the birth of your new and first Granddaughter! Words cannot express how one feels when these little ones appear in our lives. I know in my case I had had a near fatal car accident, then diagnosis of breast cancer, a heart valve due to a bicuspid valve which I had been born with. All of this happened in the few years prior to my 60th birthday. The birth of my first two granddaughters and a grandson were definitely the highlight of my life.

    I know the arrival of my first grandchild boosted my desire to live and live well so that I will see her have her first child. Indeed the joy I felt at holding her in my arms for hours were the best medicine I could have received.

    I found that I keep my opinions to myself as the parents raise their children and smother them with love and we share so much. I am now 10 years cancer free and almost 5 years past my open heart surgery and these dear little ones have had much meaning and impact on my life. My only grandmotherly advice would be to enjoy this beautiful child as much as you are able and you will note how this makes your heart melt with love, joy and gratitude.

    Once again Congratulations and many blessings in this child’s life.
    Lorraine McIntyre

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for so many golden words of wisdom, Lorraine – from the “best medicine” to “keep my opinions to myself”. You are so right – my heart is already melting. I spent four hours at the hospital today with Everly Rose and I positively floated out the door when I left her and her mum….


  3. What they all said, above, and adding my own delighted “Yippee!” This baby’s going to have one huge cyber community of “aunties”!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How wonderful, wonderful Carolyn. I just saw this!! A small new beating heart for you to spoil!! Enjoy your new role. Baba will be much loved………..♥

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am so happy for you! This sweet little bundle of joy will certainly “do your heart good.” She is most likely better for you than anything the cardiologist can prescribe.

    Enjoy and let the spoiling begin!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations Grandma!! How special to arrive on your Mom’s birthdate as well! I shared the same birthdate as my grandpa! Pictures when you can! Enjoy the new life and yes, spoil away!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Carolyn, first let me welcome you to this awesome time of grandmahood! I can remember the moment I held our first grandchild (now there are eight). I thought my heart would burst with love. This had to be the most perfect child ever born…yes, we can be biased.

    You are in for the most wonderful and amazing time of life where you just get to love this child, not be responsible for them. My first grandbabies are now 18, graduating high school and heading off to college and we still love every moment with them.

    They give me the incentive everyday to keep this heart disease under control. I don’t want to miss a minute with them. So, advice: just love them, sit back and smile and marvel at how amazing this little human being is and they are part of you! Enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Congratulations! You’ll make a fantastic grandmother. There is no doubt! I am so happy for you! Your heart will overflow with love as she grows filled with wonder and joy and excitement. Just wait til she calls you Grandma or Nana … What will she call you? Have you thought about that yet? Ahhh… Life is good.

    Thanks for a great start to the day and Congratulations to all!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sharon – she’ll call me “Baba” (Ukrainian for Grandma) just as her Mum called my mother. It’s an easier name for babies to say, too! A beautiful sunny day today, and life IS good!

      PS How’s the search for that ‘gnarly tree’ coming along?


  9. Congratulations Everly Rose, looks like you picked a good Grandma.

    Grandmotherly advice:
    This is not your baby and her parents will have ideas that differ from yours, wait until a question is asked before butting in with how you would do things if Everly was your baby.

    Another, you can never Love, Kiss or Hug a Grandbaby, too much.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wonderful news, Carolyn! Heartiest congratulations to all! You’ll love being a grandma – it’s like a second chance at being a parent, without all the sleepless nights and awful sense of responsibility – all you have to do is love and enjoy the new one!
    Take care,

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Congratulations to all, my grand daughter just turned 3 – such a wonderful feeling been a grandparent. No advice – just support the parents and enjoy every moment with the little one. No love like it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw Carolyn: Nothing that can match a thrill like having a grandchild. I adore my 5, they bring such great joy!

        You are especially lucky to have her so close by. Three of mine are in British Columbia and I miss them like crazy. But, even then we are in close contact. The other two live a block away and I consider myself so fortunate because of it.

        Spoil them like crazy; fuss over them; kiss and coo – that is my advice.
        A little story: I have 4 granddaughters and one grandson. When he was born at home with a midwife on International Women’s Day he was first passed to his mum, then his dad, the other grandmother, then me. When he got to me he opened his eyes for the first time, so I was the first person he ‘saw’ (of course I know he couldn’t see yet).

        I quietly murmured to him: “This is International Women’s Day so always remember that and treat women with great respect and love”.

        This year on his 15th birthday I told him that same story I tell him every year. He said: “Grammie, I think the image of your face and the first words I heard will always be indelibly marked in my memory”.

        Kisses for that lovely baby and we are all anxiously waiting to see her photos plastered all over this site!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Wow, Barbara, that story of your grandson is so wonderful! I love the fact that you have told him that birth story every year on his birthday – a fine tradition! Thanks for that reminder that even when our grandbabies don’t live a block away, we can stay close in other ways. That’s encouraging news, for example, for the ‘other’ grandmother of Everly Rose who lives hundreds of miles away!


          1. Good morning Baba:
            What I forgot to add was while watching this 6 foot gangly 15 year old eat his birthday lunch (and everything in sight) my husband and I smiled at one another when he used the phrase “indelibly marked”.

            Was this the little guy whose diapers we changed not so long ago using words such as these?

            I have learned so much from my grandkids. It’s like the phrase from Louis Armstrong’s song “What a Wonderful World”:
            “I hear babies cry
            I watch them grow,
            They’ll learn much more,
            Than I’ll ever know.
            And I think to myself,
            What a wonderful world.”

            oh yeah.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. “Indelibly marked” – now there’s some impressive vocab from a 15-year old right? That Louis Armstrong song always brings a tear to my eye – and somehow means even more now…. Thanks Barbara!


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